Bone & Musculoskeletal Essential Oils


Bone & Musculoskeletal Oils

In this post  we will take a closer look at a recent question I received:

Gav, what are good essential oils for bone and the musculoskeletal system as a whole?

I want to share with you as the group a few single oils I like and why I like them so much. Let’s discuss essential oils that are good for four basic areas of the musculoskeletal system:



Ligaments – connects bones to bones

Tendons – connects muscles to bones

Each of the oils I will mention can be helpful for each of the areas above and you can’t go wrong with either of these. I will tell you how I use them and what for: 

Balsam Fir and Siberian Fir

Balsam Fir Essential Oil

Siberian Fir Essential Oil 

Two of my favorites for supporting bone function and great for muscle tissue congestion. They are warming and helpful at stimulating blood flow to an injured area to support proper repair. 

I like to apply these with another anti-inflammatory like Peppermint, German Chamomile, or Helichrysum.

I apply ½ a teaspoon of carrier oil to the area of concern.

     I then apply 2-3 drops of Balsam Fir or Siberian Fir. I massage it in and wait 30 seconds.

     I may then apply 2 drops of German Chamomile and massage it in.

     Litsea Cubeba or Lemongrass

    Litsea Cubeba (May Chang) Essential Oil

    Lemongrass Essential Oil

     I like these two for ligament and tendon issues. They can be very calming to the tissues. I prefer Litsea Cubeba myself as Litsea smells amazing and my body tends to respond better.

    One thing that makes these two essential oils so great for connective tissue is their aldehyde content.

    I like these two essential oils with Lavender or Marjoram as well.

    Lavender essential oil

    Marjoram essential oil

     I would apply ½ teaspoon of carrier oil to the affected area.

    I would apply 2 drops of Litsea Cubeba or Lemongrass to the sore area. I would wait 30 seconds.

    To finish I would apply 2-3 drops of Lavender or Marjoram to the area and massage it in.

    Basil ct. Methyl chavicol which is different from Basil, Sweet, but better for muscle challenges in my opinion. I like Basil, Sweet for other things.

    I like Basil (Methyl chavicol ) for muscle aches in general as it has a very herbaceous scent and intensity that I like to match with mints like Rosemary and Peppermint.

    Basil (Methyl chavicol) can also be helpful for many things like menstrual cramps, increasing mental clarity as well as respiratory support.

    I apply ½ a teaspoon of carrier oil to the area of concern.

    I then apply 1 drop of Basil (Methyl chavicol). I massage it in and wait 30 seconds.

    I then apply 1-2 drops of Rosemary or Peppermint and massage it in for an invigorating effect.

    This combo stimulates blood flow and provides an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and general cooling effect.

    Cautions specific to the information discussed: 

    • Do not use Lemongrass or Basil ct. Methyl chavicol with children under 10 due to possible sensitivity.

    • Always dilute and double the recommended dilution with children.

      That’s all for now. Essential Oil On!


    As a courtesy to you we just want to add cautions and a disclaimer after every post to remind everyone that the science and application of essential oils is unsettled, so while information on this subject may benefit some it may not for others.  With that said if the information in this post wasn’t clear enough, our disclaimer and cautions are available for your consideration.

    We aim to present complete, relevant, and accurate content within context. The information and resources from this content are for informational and educational purposes only. This is NOT a replacement for medical, psychological or other treatment We make NO guarantees or claims; expressed or implied. We accept NO liability related to your comprehension, or application

    Listed below are cautions if you plan on using any of the essential oils mentioned in this post. Please do not use essential oils if you suffer from seizures. Consult your healthcare practitioner before beginning any essential oil regimen. Verify any essential oil is safe for use with young children. Keep away from eyes and sensitive skin areas. Some essential oils may be photosensitive, be aware of how this may affect your skin.

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    Essential Oils and Joint Discomfort


    Essential Oils & Joint Discomfort

    A customer was talking to me about sleep and she mentioned how there joints often cause discomfort while she sleeps, so it can be difficult if she needs to switch sleep positions.

    She said to me, “I decided to put Balsam Fir and Marjoram (Sweet) on my shoulder last night and it was awesome! I could switch sleeping positions without discomfort.”

    Let’s talk about aspects of why these two oils can be so effective together for discomfort, but specifically joint discomfort:

    Balsam Fir or Canadian Fir – steam distilled from the needles and twigs of Abies balsamea tree
    It contains high amounts of pinene and carene and these chemical constituents have great general anti-inflammatory capacity.
    Our Balsam Fir also contains high amounts of norborneol acetate and this constituent has been shown to have analgesic (pain relieving) properties. 
    Now remember an anti-inflammatory does not automatically mean relief from discomfort, but when you combine an anti-inflammatory with an analgesic you can see great results. Balsam Fir has a minor warming sensation.

    Balsam Fir Essential Oil

    Application: I like to add 4-6 drops of Balsam Fir to 1 cup of Epsom Salt to a warm bath for a joint soothing and mind relaxing experience. It is wonderful!
    Marjoram, Sweet (This is not the same as Spanish Marjoram. They are completely different chemically) – this is an herb used in many Mediterranean dishes and the oil is steam distilled from both the leaves and flowers of Origanum majorana. 
    Marjoram has many many different uses, along with analgesic and muscle relaxant properties. It is high in terpinen-4-ol and sabinene which may help with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and circulatory capacity.

    Marjoram Essential Oil

    Very warming, but not hot, this oil helps to calm the muscles around the joint while Balsam Fir is more specific to calming the muscle and the joint.
    One could easily combine 4 drops of Marjoram and 4 drops of Balsam Fir in a cup of Epsom Salt right before bed to open airways and relax the mind and body for a more restful sleep.

    Marjoram, is a key ingredient in our Restore Hope Oils Pure Relief Blend


    I love fir oils in general for joint and/or bone challenges. When applied with Marjoram the two oils can have a warming, relaxing effect and aid discomfort. Marjoram and Fir oils like Balsam Fir are discussed as being effective in diminishing sensations of arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Not to mention both of these oils have relaxant properties that can be great for getting to sleep.



    As a courtesy to you we just want to add cautions and a disclaimer after every post to remind everyone that the science and application of essential oils is unsettled, so while information on this subject may benefit some it may not for others.  With that said if the information in this post wasn’t clear enough our disclaimer and cautions to consider.

    We aim to present complete, relevant, and accurate content within context.
    The information and resources from this content are for informational and educational purposes only.
    This is NOT a replacement for medical, psychological or other treatment
    We make NO guarantees or claims; expressed or implied
    We accept NO liability related to your comprehension, or application

    Listed below are cautions if you plan on using any of the essential oils mentioned in this post.

    Please do not use essential oils if you suffer from seizures.

    Please consult your healthcare practitioner before beginning any essential oil regimen.

    Do not use it with young children.

    Keep away from eyes and sensitive skin areas.


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    Preparing the Body for Summer Holidays


    Preparing the Body for Summer Holidays

    Independence Day is one of my favorite holidays of the summer, my family, I enjoy the opportunity to be out with family and friends. I find it so interesting to see what foods are associated with these holidays and how families celebrate with different types of foods.


    Living in the Midwest, there is a lot of barbecue, and it seems only to increase over the 4th of July. I enjoy excellent barbecue, but I choose to stay away from much of the beef products since being diagnosed with liver disease in 2009.


    I have to watch out for products high in dairy, sugar, and beef as a whole. But the amount of food I eat can be just as damaging as eating a poor choice of food.


    No one is perfect and in reality, we are all striving to improve our current state emotionally, physically, spiritually, and mentally. In saying this, I am letting you know one way I prepare for these types of gatherings.


    One way I prepare is by having my Pure Digest Roll-On with me to apply to my abdomen 5–10 minutes before I eat. I do this so that I can calm any current inflammation not seen or felt, as well as help support the proper message of digestion throughout the gut as food begins to arrive.

    Pure Digest essential Oil ROLL ON

    Each of the essential oils found in our Pure Digest blend are not only digestives, but hepatoprotectives or rather liver support and detoxifying oils as well. That being said, I can apply it over the whole abdomen for great benefit.

    Pure Digest essential oil blend

    Enjoy the holidays this season. 



    As a courtesy to you, we just want to add cautions and a disclaimer after every post to remind everyone that the science and application of essential oils is unsettled, so while information on this subject may benefit some, it may not for others.  With that said, if the information in this post wasn’t clear enough, our disclaimer and cautions are available for your consideration.

    We aim to present complete, relevant, and accurate content within context. The information and resources from this content are for informational and educational purposes only. This is NOT a replacement for medical, psychological or other treatment, We make NO guarantees or claims; expressed or implied. We accept NO liability related to your comprehension, or application

    Listed below are cautions if you plan on using any of the essential oils mentioned in this post. Please do not use essential oils if you suffer from seizures. Consult your healthcare practitioner before beginning any essential oil regimen. Verify any essential oil is safe for use with young children. Keep away from eyes and sensitive skin areas. Some essential oils may be photosensitive, be aware of how this may affect your skin.

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    Lift Emotion Barriers With These Essential Oils


    Lift Emotional Barriers

    Let’s talk about floral oils. When I say floral oil this means the essential oil comes from distilling the actual flower of the plant to create the essential oil.

    Marcel Lavabre, a producer of essential oils in France, states that, “essential oils from flowers tend to be the most spiritually evolved fragrances.” He explains, “this indicates a sign of strong astral activity. Floral oils tend to be very refined and are often very difficult to extract.”

    Floral essential oils also tend to lift depressive feelings and can be very healthy for the female body, skin, and muscle tissue both inside and outside the body.

    For example, true Lavender is distilled from the flowers of the Lavandula angustifolia plant.

    Some examples of other floral oils could be:

    1.      Geranium – adrenal support, antidepressant capacity tonic

    Geranium Essential Oil

    2.      Clary Sage – grounding and calming for inflammation in tissue

    Clary Sage Essential Oil

    3.      Roman Chamomile – calming for discomfort both emotional and physical, anti-inflammatory

    Roman Chamomile essential oil

    4.      Jasmine (in Pure Embrace) – invigorating and romantic oil

    Pure Embrace Essential Oil Blend

    5.      Neroli (in Pure Embrace and Pure Stability) – helpful when feeling anxious or not enough

    6.     Ylang Ylang – (see below)

    7.     Yarrow – inflammation, powerful for the immune system

    Floral oils tend to have a sweetness that other essential oils do not have as a primary characteristic. With some florals the sweetness is stronger like with Ylang Ylang.

    A friend was recently at our home and Carrie, and I let him smell a sample of Ylang Ylang that we are looking at possibly sourcing and as he smelled it, he took a step back and said,

    “Wow that is amazing! It smells awesome! What is that?!”

    Carrie and I both laughed and said, “It is Ylang Ylang, a floral oil with great capacity to calm the mind, muscles and the heart.”

    Have you ever met someone or associated with someone who has true power? When I say power, I am not speaking of force.

    People of true power are those souls to whom people naturally gravitate too, and these types of people don’t need to use force to break down barriers. They do not seek to control others.

    I believe people of true power know who they are and are not threatened by others and do not live in a state of competition. They seek to bless others and often go about much good unseen. Their simple presence allows for progress to happen.

    I feel that if we were to give floral oils a human personality, they would be persons of deep genuine influence who accept us where we are, but do not allow us to stay where we are. They want us to grow like flowers, and people are meant to.

    Just the consistent application and scent of floral oils over time can help to remove the deep-seated emotions that we sometimes hold onto that keep us from becoming who we are meant to be.

    Most floral oils blend well with each other, and so I invite you to apply a drop of one like Lavender to your skin followed by a Clary Sage or Roman Chamomile to experience a new grounding and hopeful aroma.


    As a courtesy to you, we just want to add cautions and a disclaimer after every post to remind everyone that the science and application of essential oils is unsettled, so while information on this subject may benefit some, it may not for others.  With that said, if the information in this post wasn’t clear enough, our disclaimer and cautions are available for your consideration.

    We aim to present complete, relevant, and accurate content within context. The information and resources from this content are for informational and educational purposes only. This is NOT a replacement for medical, psychological or other treatment, We make NO guarantees or claims; expressed or implied. We accept NO liability related to your comprehension, or application

    Listed below are cautions if you plan on using any of the essential oils mentioned in this post. Please do not use essential oils if you suffer from seizures. Consult your healthcare practitioner before beginning any essential oil regimen. Verify any essential oil is safe for use with young children. Keep away from eyes and sensitive skin areas. Some essential oils may be photosensitive, be aware of how this may affect your skin.

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    Can Essential Oils Help Possible Fluid Retention?


    Fluid Retention & Essential Oils

    In this post, I will take a closer look at possible ways to manage swelling that may be caused by too much fluid in the body. Now remember, if there is too much fluid in the system the fluid has to come out some way, it doesn’t just magically disappear. Before we begin, remember always speak with your healthcare provider before beginning a new health regimen.

    When we want to move fluid in the system internally, oftentimes products called diuretics (a substance that increases the amount of urine) are used. I mention this because there are multiple essential oils that have a diuretic like capacity.

    Citrus oils in general can be very helpful in this area. Even topically, citrus oils can do wonderful things. A great friend of mine mentioned that her husband’s ankles were swelling up, and it was difficult to get shoes on. She asked if there were oils that could be helpful. I asked her what she already had and she mentioned Pure Happy.

    I mentioned that I would put 2–3 drops of Pure Happy with .5 – 1 tsp of Fractionated Coconut Oil on the affected area in the evening before bed. When I talked to her again, she said,

    “Gav, my husband was able to get his shoes on the morning after the application!”

    Remember that the first two ingredients of Pure Happy are Lemon and Lime. Citrus oils are also good because they can be supportive of kidney function due to their high content of d-limonene.

    Could I put 1–2 drops of Lemon with Fractionated Coconut Oil over my kidneys to possibly support filtering? Yep. So, let’s talk about which oils are more stimulating and which are more relaxing. I only review this because I like less stimulating essential oils at nighttime before bed. I like stimulating oils during the day.

    Lemon – stimulating

    Lemon essential oil

    Lime – stimulating

    Lime Essential Oil

    Grapefruit – stimulating

    Grapefruit Essential Oil

    Orange – calming

    Orange Sweet Essential Oil

    Red Mandarin – calming

    Red Mandarin Essential Oil

    Bergamot – calming

    Bergamot Essential Oil

    If you want to increase circulation. You can combine a citrus oil and Lavender. 

    Here are some examples of how I might apply these essential oils to myself.


    Daytime – 2–3 drops of Lemon with 1 teaspoon of Fractionated Coconut Oil applied to the area.

    Make sure to cover the area with clothing after applying, as citrus oils in general are photosensitive (skin can easily burn if exposed to sunlight or UV light). If I were going to be outside, a better option would be Bergamot as we remove the photosensitive aspect  of it when we distill it.

    Nighttime – 2-3 drops of Red Mandarin or Orange with 1 teaspoon of Fractionated Coconut Oil

    Lavender and Citrus

    Daytime – 1 drop of Lavender and 2 drops of Lemon with 1 teaspoon of Fractionated Coconut Oil applied to the area

    Nighttime – 1 drop of Lavender and 2 drops of Red Mandarin or Orange with 1 teaspoon of Fractionated Coconut Oil .


    Now, citrus oils are not the only diuretics, but they are a great place to start. Go to to view any essential oils that were mentioned.

    Reach out with any questions and make this day amazing!

    Keep smiling and essential oil on,



    As a courtesy to you, we just want to add cautions and a disclaimer after every post to remind everyone that the science and application of essential oils is unsettled, so while information on this subject may benefit some it may not for others.  With that said, if the information in this post wasn’t clear enough, our disclaimer and cautions are available for your consideration.

    We aim to present complete, relevant, and accurate content within context. The information and resources from this content are for informational and educational purposes only. This is NOT a replacement for medical, psychological or other treatment, We make NO guarantees or claims; expressed or implied. We accept NO liability related to your comprehension, or application

    Listed below are cautions if you plan on using any of the essential oils mentioned in this post. Please do not use essential oils if you suffer from seizures. Consult your healthcare practitioner before beginning any essential oil regimen. Verify any essential oil is safe for use with young children. Keep away from eyes and sensitive skin areas. Some essential oils may be photosensitive, be aware of how this may affect your skin.




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