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Hot Flashes Anyone?

Hot Flashes Anyone?
Each of the oils mentioned can be helpful for hot flashes. Part of the reason we put Vetiver into a roll on was it is so thick to work with as raw oil, but so good for menopausal challenges. So, we diluted it to make it flow better and have already received great feedback from customers touting its benefits.

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Moving? Essential Oils That Helped Me & My Family

Moving? Essential Oils That Helped Me & My Family

Moving is a fantastic opportunity to experience emotions that maybe you have not felt in a while. Our family moved a few years ago and it is fascinating the wonderful emotions I can feel when I walk into a room and see it is pretty much boxed.

There is also frustration that comes with moving. The essential oils that I used to stay energized and calm down when things became overwhelming.

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Bone & Musculoskeletal Essential Oils

Let’s explore what we think are good essential oils for bone and the muscular skeletal system as a whole.

We will discuss the group of single essential oils we like.

Each of the essential oils discussed can be helpful for Muscles, Bones, Ligaments and Tendons.

The essential oils we mention are Balsam, Siberian Fir, Litsea cubeba, Lemongrass, and Basil. To learn more about this topic, please visit our blog, we will identify essential oils that we prefer, and will share how we use them. It is great to be with you, so keep smiling because “it’s always a great time to talk about essential oils. “ Thank you for watching. Remember! Your feedback matters! So please Like, Share, or Subscribe.

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Essential Oils and Joint Discomfort

In this post we talk about Essential Oils and Joint Discomfort. We look at two essential oils. The first essential oil is Balsam Fir which has been shown to relieve tension. The second is Marjoram which can be a potent essential oil to help with sore muscles and joints. Please share the link to this post that is in the description on your social media, if you like our blog.

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Preparing the Body for Summer Holidays

Independence Day is a cherished summer holiday where I enjoy time with loved ones, but as someone with liver disease, I make dietary adjustments and use the Pure Digest Roll-On to support digestion and gut health while avoiding certain foods. This roll-on contains essential oils that aid digestion, provide liver support, and help reduce inflammation.

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Lift Emotion Barriers With These Essential Oils

Let’s talk about floral oils for a minute. A floral oil, is defined as an essential oil that comes from distilling the actual flower of the plant to create the essential oil that we use topically or aromatically.

Marcel Lavabre, a producer of essential oils in France, states that, “essential oils from flowers tend to be the most spiritually evolved fragrances.” He explains, “this indicates a sign of strong astral activity. Floral oils tend to be very refined and are often very difficult to extract.”

They have a sweetness that other essential oils do not have as a primary characteristic.

If we were to give floral oils a human personality, they would be persons of deep genuine influence who accept us for who we are. But would not allow us to be stagnant. They would encourage us to grow.

Just the consistent application and scent of floral oils over time can help to remove the deep-seated emotions that we sometimes hold onto that keep us from becoming who we are meant to be.

Floral oils also tend to lift depressive feelings and can be very healthy for the female body, skin, and muscle tissue both inside and outside the body.

You can learn more about this topic through our blog, we will identify essential oils that we prefer, and will share how we use them. It is great to be with you, so keep smiling because “it’s always a great time to talk about essential oils. ” Thank you for watching. Remember! Your feedback matters! So please Like, Share, or Subscribe.

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Can Essential Oils Help Possible Fluid Retention?

In this post, I will take a closer look at possible ways to manage swelling that may be caused by too much fluid in the body.

Now remember, if there is too much fluid in the system the fluid has to come out some way, it doesn’t just magically disappear.

When we want to move fluid in the system internally, oftentimes products called diuretics (a substance that increases the amount of urine) are used. I mention this because there are multiple essential oils that have a diuretic like capacity.

Citrus oils in general can be very helpful in this area. Even topically citrus oils can do wonderful things. We will talk about the essential oils that we prefer an explain how we apply these essential oils. We hope you enjoy this info! You can learn more through our blog. Also, remember to keep smiling because “it’s always a good time to talk about essential oils” Your feedback matters, so please Like, Share, or Subscribe ..

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Situational Anxiety, Can An Essential Oil Help To Prevent It ?

Is there something that essential oils can do to help alleviate anxiety when we feel it start to build?

Anxiety is based in fear and we often associate feelings of fear with our fight or flight mechanism. The area of the brain that is associated with fight or flight is called the amygdala. It is part of the limbic system and is actually a pair (amygdalae) meaning we have one in each hemisphere of the brain.

While there is little to no scientific research regarding stress one belief we consider is that stress may be a contributing factor that leads to death.

The top deadly diseases aren’t called stress, but almost all roads lead back to it. Therein lies one of the many powers of essential oils. Essential oils have direct access to the limbic system and through our olfactory system (smell). Which is is housed in the amygdala.

We can immediately support the brain, central nervous system and body as a whole through smelling and also applying essential oils topically.

See what essential oils may work for your stress by visiting

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When My Child Won’t Let Me Apply Essential Oils

When My Child Won’t Let Me Apply Essential Oils
Applying Essential Oils For Children
If you use essential oils or provide them to your child as a parent you have to clarify what the real challenge may be if they don’t like the essential oil, or have a strong emotional response. There are a wide variety of personalities but if you have a child who has strong opinions, is very sensitive, or has special needs, before you apply any essential oils ask these three questions. One Does this child struggle with how strong the scent is? Two Is the child okay with the scent, but the child just doesn’t want to have oils applied? Three Does this child struggle with the scent and the idea of using essential oils ? In this blog post we identify a few methods to help provide a strategic application. Plus we also share the essential oils we use with our children. Read more about this subject on our blog. Or if you like this video, please share it with friends on your social media.

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Essential Oils That May Prevent Cell Damage

In this post we will talk about glutathione, or rather the “Mother Antioxidant” a natural antioxidant that is found in the body. Glutathione seeks to protect our cells from damage, mutation or premature death.

From our personal tests we found that by simply applying, one of the essential oils we mention in our post like, Ginger, Orange, or Lemon. These essential oils may be a great way to begin consistently supporting glutathione production, or cellular protection, to deescalate an overabundance of inflammation and cell damage.

Simply put, according to Salvatore Batagglia, and other experts who have a much greater knowledge on this subject. Glutathione helps to prevent premature aging and cellular breakdown due to its capacity to protect against free radical damage in the body.

Check out our latest post to get more details on more Essential Oils That are available to assist or Prevent Cell Damage. We hope you enjoy this info! Also make today amazing and. Essential oil on! Your feedback matters, so please Like, Share, or Subscribe ..

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Eczema Topical Options

Many things may contribute to challenges with eczema such as allergies, digestive dysfunction, build up of toxins, and, or an insufficient breakdown of proteins. For this post let’s talk about a few do it yourself ideas that may be utilized, in the event that eczema was a personal challenge in my life. For this blog post we will be talking about the essential oils that are for topical use only. Some of the essential oils we talk about are Roman Chamomile, Cedarwood, Tea Tree. Frankincense, Helichrysum, and Patchouli. Check out our latest post to get more details on our Do it yourself ideas. We hope you enjoy this info! Make today amazing and essential oil on! Like Share or Subscribe ..

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Drone Wins Battle – Helichrysum Testimonial

I have a wonderful friend who flies drones for a living as a videographer.
This friend texted me before flying home after finishing up a trip, in Maui, Hawaii.
He asked if there were any essential oils that were antiseptic and could possibly help with his injury.

During his trip, One of his drones cut up his finger pretty bad.

I suggested one of Restore Hope Oils blends, named Pure Repair, and also suggested Helichrysum, to assist with repairing and restoring damage to his skin and wound.

In this post, we document the result he had using these essential oils.

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Are There Essential Oils That Can Help A Specific Organ, Or System Of The Body To Promote Blood Movement?

Have you ever wondered if there are some Essential Oils that can Help A Specific Organ, Or system Of The Body to promote blood movement ???

In our research we discovered that there are three essential oils that may aid the heart and promote blood movement. Our organs are always working, and the heart is no exception. The heart is responsible for moving blood throughout the body and for providing oxygen to our cells, brain, muscles and the connected systems.

In this post we take a quick look at how Lavender, Black pepper, and Marjoram have been used by us, to assist the heart and promote blood movement.

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Can You Feel In Your Joints When The Weather Is Changing?

Can You Feel In Your Joints When The Weather Is Changing?
How many of you have a built in weather system in your body? Meaning that you can feel in your joints when the weather is changing?
We review an original Restore Hope Oil Blend Pure Mobility Roll On. This blend was created to aid muscle and joint discomfort.
Pure Mobility contains pure essential oils specific to relieving joint discomfort, muscle exhaustion, improving muscle recovery and nerve function within the muscle.
Please share the link to this post that is in the description on your social media, If you like our blog.

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Essential Oils That Feel Like Summer

Essential Oils That Feel Like Summer. As a dedicated family man, the story for this post is about a ritual that my family and I have with one of my daughters. Each night before bedtime I explain how I help her choose the essential oil she wants in her diffuser. One of my daughter’s favorite essential oil scents is one that reminds her of summer. While many of those scents would keep her awake, I suggested Orange as an option that would help her sleep. This inspired me to share what essential oils scents could be considered summer scents that offer a more relaxing effect. Read more about this subject on our blog. Or if you like this video, please share it with friends on your social media.

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On a mission to help others feel & experience hope one by one

On A Mission To Help Others Feel & Experience Hope One By One,

we have all gone through difficult things and continue to go through difficult things. None of us have a monopoly on the world’s problems.

I looked back on this story in my mind today and thought of how long ago that situation seemed. I then thought of the following quote:

“When you meet someone, treat them as if they are in serious trouble, and you will be right more than half the time.”
-Henry B. Eyring

The nurse and my wife played important roles in this story to help lighten my emotional load. You and I can do the same for others. Restore Hope Oils is not just a catchy name, but a mission to help others feel and experience hope one by one.

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Essential Oils For Inflammation Trauma and Discomfort

Inflammation, Trauma, Discomfort
In this post we discuss what essential oils I have used to calm the discomfort when my wife had a gallbladder attack. The essential oils that we talk about are
Frankincense which can be helpful in defending against inflammation in the body.
Then we look at Geranium, this essential oil is seen as a foundational oil found to be supportive for many different female challenges.
We take a closer look at how Helichrysum offers help for some experiencing emotional pain. Then we explore how Cypress is known as an essential oil that is used by some for calming, stress, and stimulating the mind. We hope you enjoy this info! If you like our blog.
Please share the link to this post that is in the description from your social media feed

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You Are Not What You Eat

In this post from Restore Hope Oils we ponder the idea that we are not what we eat so much as we are what we absorb.

We ponder the idea that We are not what we eat so much as we are what we absorb.

In our latest blog post from, we ponder the idea that we are not what we eat so much as we are what we absorb. Please share this post on your social media, if you like our blog. Subscribe to get notified about our latest posts.

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Too Much Essential Oil? How Do I Know?

How do you know if you are using too much essential oil?

Another way to ask this question is how do I know if an essential oil is possibly too much for my body?

The response from the body could be very similar in both cases. In this post from Restore Hope Oils blog we discuss three signs, in reference to topical use, that identify if the body may be getting too much essential oi. Then to address this issue we identify some simple solutions to consider.

Read more about this subject on our blog. Or if
you like this video please share it with
friends on your social media

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Daddy I Nee Ma Oil – An Essential Oil Bedtime Story

Gav shares a story about his daughter and a bedtime routine that includes essential oils

As we developed this routine, his daughter now knows what the essential oil is for and that the three essential oil combinations shared in this post offer some assistance to overcome fears .

It isn’t pure magic as she still deals with some fears, but we keep at it and often when she feels abdominal pain she will say, “Daddy, I nee ma oil! I nee ma oil!

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Liv-Better On The Foot Or Liver – Best Reflexology Points

Liv-Better On The Foot Or Liver – Best Reflexology Points

If you are new to the Restore Hope Oils Family this is our premier product.

We formulated it to help support normal liver function and proper biliary tree function. Liv-Better was created to support normal detoxification methods already performed by the liver, biliary tree and gallbladder.

In this post we share the key locations where to place this essential oil blend.

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There Is An Essential Oil For Body Image?

There Is An Essential Oil For Body Image?

Pink Grapefruit is the topic of today’s post because if you haven’t noticed there is a lot going on and that can affect our self-image, I have found that using Pink Grapefruit as an essential oil brings a sense of peace within.

As we have talked before, some citrus oils are more stimulating, and some are more relaxing. Pink Grapefruit is certainly more stimulating with an absolutely wonderful, sweet and tart scent at the same time.

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Going To The Bathroom Too Often?

In our latest blog post from Restore Hope Oils.
We ask the question.
Going To The Bathroom Too Often?

LET’S take a close look at an essential oil that may be strong enough to assist with digestive issues.

The essential oil that we will talk about is Cypress. This is a gentle oil
that helps poor circulation and fluid retention in order to improve recovery and/or repair.

More details about this topic can be found in our post.

REMEMBER! It’s always a good day to talk about essential oils.

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