
Can Essential Oils Help A Specific Organ?

“Wait a minute! You mean to tell me there are many different oils that can help a specific organ or system of the body?! Why didn’t anyone ever tell me this?!”

This is a common response I get from people as they begin to learn more about essential oils. People often are not aware that there are many options to look at in order to support an organ or area of the body. I believe this happens for two reasons:

The individual just lacks experience with natural products and the fact that plants have many different uses depending on the plant or oil in discussion.

We as a population have become accustomed to going to specialists and taking medications that only really do one thing. Then we go to another specialist for a remedy to do one thing. Can you see the pattern?

When I make a blend I will look at an organ or system of the body and research specific oils to support that area of the body. I am looking for complimentary oils in smell and function. Blends are created with the intent to create a synergistic approach to health, but that does not mean a single oil can’t be just as helpful.

When starting out blends are very easy and quick to use, but what if you do not have a blend nearby? This week I want to share with you three single oils as options that can be supportive of three of our most important organs.

Today I will share with you three oils that may aid the heart. Our organs are always working and the heart is no exception. The heart is responsible for moving blood throughout the body. Without blood movement we get no oxygen to our cells, brain, muscles and other areas.

The heart also houses many different emotions which these oils can influence as well. Take a look below.

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)

Lavender essential oil

Think of Lavender as a protector of the heart.
I use 1-2 drops in a carrier oil to help in prevention of heart injury.
Lavender is used in aromatherapy promoting lower blood pressure and possible palpitations.
The heart can experience great sadness and stress. Lavender is helpful for these emotions.
Other areas Lavender benefits: Reproductive, Integumentary, and Central Nervous Systems

Black Pepper (Piper nigrum)

Think of Black Pepper as a motivator of the cardiovascular system.

In aromatherapy Black Pepper has been used to aid anemia where an oil that supports both the heart and spleen may be needed. The spleen helps in the making of red blood cells and is one of the organs the heart calls upon when it is under attack.
I apply 1 drop of Black Pepper combined with 1 teaspoon of carrier oil over the heart area or to the bottom of my feet when I feel sluggish.
Sometimes the heart can get stuck from trauma or unachieved dreams and Black Pepper can help us get moving and out of this state. Black Pepper is arguably my favorite spice oil.

Other capacities of Black Pepper: Anti-inflammatory, immune support, brain support, digestive, muscle function and addiction recovery.
Cautions: I recommend using Black Pepper in short bursts meaning for a few days at a time and then taking a break and beginning again.

Marjoram, Sweet (Origanum majorana)

Marjoram essential oil

Think of Marjoram as the calming and comforting oil to the heart.
Used in aromatherapy to assist in lowering blood pressure it has the capacity to help alleviate high blood pressure.
Marjoram promotes self-care and when we need some self-nurturing.

I apply 1-2 drops with carrier oil over my heart area when I need to calm or want to relax from a stressful moment.
Other areas Marjoram may assist: Muscle tension (Carrie’s favorite muscle warming oil), relaxing and sleep aid, antimicrobial, and digestive.

Caution: Do not use it during pregnancy. Prolonged use may lower libido over time.

Again this is not an exhaustive list, but an opportunity for you to see different single oils and how they may support the heart. Tomorrow we want to make sure the heart is pumping the best blood so I will introduce you to the next organ and oils associated. Stay tuned.



As a courtesy to you we just want to add cautions and a disclaimer after every post to remind everyone that the science and application of essential oils is unsettled, so while information on this subject may benefit some it may not for others.  With that said if the information in this post wasn’t clear enough our disclaimer and cautions to consider.

We aim to present complete, relevant, and accurate content within context.
The information and resources from this content are for informational and educational purposes only.
This is NOT a replacement for medical, psychological or other treatment
We make NO guarantees or claims; expressed or implied
We accept NO liability related to your comprehension, or application

Listed below are cautions if you plan on using any of the essential oils mentioned in this post.

Please do not use essential oils if you suffer from seizures.

Please consult your healthcare practitioner before beginning any essential oil regimen.

Do not use it with young children.

Keep away from eyes and sensitive skin areas.


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