Gluta What Is That – Glutathione


Gluta What Is That – Glutathione

In one of my conversations about essential oils this is one of the exchanges I had regarding citrus essentail oils, imrpovinving liver function and glutathione production. It starts out with some science stuff but the end of trhis conversation relates to a subtle way to imrove our overall health.

Customer: Why are citrus oils so important oil for the liver?

Gav: One reason is their capacity to help support glutathione production.

Customer: Gluta what? Say that again.

Gav: Glutathione.  Have you ever heard of glutathione?

Customer: Nope.

Gav: Many consider glutathione to be the “Mother Antioxidant of the Body”. Remember that an antioxidant means something that fights against cell damage or rather premature aging and breakdown.”

Customer: So, it sounds like I want more of that.

Gav: We all do!

Glutathione levels tend to drop as we age and it is a very key antioxidant for those like myself seeking to prevent further damage to the liver. Another reason I like supporting glutathione is it may be helpful for protecting against heavy metal toxins.

Age lessens glutathione production as well as stress and an overabundance of toxins entering the body. 

I like citrus oils because of their d-limonene component. D-limonene has been shown to help manage inflammation and oxidative stress. This is part of the reason citrus oils are in our two best-selling detox blends, Liv-Better and Pure Regen.

Possible signs of low glutathione levels could be:

Consistent infections like cold or flu
Trouble managing weight
Chronic Fatigue

In reality if I feel I am experiencing more stress than usual I will introduce more citrus oils to the bottom of my feet and topically over my liver with a carrier oil during the daty. Balanced glutathione levels are absolutely key in fighting fatty liver disease and for supporting proper detoxification in the body.

 We created two sets of essential oil trios that highlight the best features of citrus oils

Citrus Sunrise Trio – Essential Oil Trio by Restore Hope Oils offers some of our favorite oils specific to helping energize and uplift the body to get you in the right frame of mind to start the morning.

The Citrus Sunrise Trio offers some of our favorite oils specific to helping energize and uplift the body to get you in the right frame of mind to start the morning. All oils do not need to be used at the same time, but rather can be helpful for different situations.

Citrus Sunset Trio – Essential Oil Trio by Restore Hope Oils offers some of our favorite oils that may provide support for mental fatigue, concentration, and offer a calming effect that assist to end the day in a more relaxed manner.

The Citrus Sunset Trio offers some of our favorite oils that may provide support for mental fatigue, concentration, and offer a calming effect that assist to end the day in a more relaxed manner. All oils do not need to be used at the same time, but rather can be helpful for different situations.


As a courtesy to you we just want to add cautions and a disclaimer after every post to remind everyone that the science and application of essential oils is unsettled, so while information on this subject may benefit some it may not for others.  With that said if the information in this post wasn’t clear enough our disclaimer and cautions to consider.

We aim to present complete, relevant, and accurate content within context.
The information and resources from this content are for informational and educational purposes only.
This is NOT a replacement for medical, psychological or other treatment
We make NO guarantees or claims; expressed or implied
We accept NO liability related to your comprehension, or application

Listed below are cautions if you plan on using any of the essential oils mentioned in this post.

Please do not use essential oils if you suffer from seizures.

Please consult your healthcare practitioner before beginning any essential oil regimen.

Do not use it with young children.

Keep away from eyes and sensitive skin areas.


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Essential Oil On!

A Dangerous Misconception About Essential Oils


A Dangerous Misconception About Essential Oils

One of the main reasons we chose to create Restore Hope Oils is we wanted to verify purity and safety applied to the use of essential oils. I want to clarify a very crucial concept. 

A customer asked me a question a while ago and it is important enough to me that I am making a post. I bring this up because if this customer had not reached out to me they could have had a very bad and possibly harmful experience. 

I am grateful for the courage and foresight of this person to ask a question. 

This person sent me an email as they were advised to take “Oregano oil” internally for a challenge they were having.  

Here was my response to their question about Oregano oil:

My first question (to the customer) is who recommended you use Oregano internally?…There are only very few times I would actually use Oregano internally. I think there are more appropriate options. So, would you mind clarifying who suggested it and why?

 The customer said that she was advised to take 1 TBSP of Oregano oil in juice or water. This was recommended by multiple caregivers that they know.  

I began to see the challenge “Oregano oil” and “Oil of Oregano” are not the same as “Oregano essential oil”. This is a common mistake in the natural health world. 

Oregano oil or Oil of Oregano is something that is often taken internally as it comes in tinctures with droppers and even in capsules. Here are some major differences between the Oregano oil and Oregano essential oil:


Oregano Oil or Oil of Oregano

This is a fat soluble product that is infused with Oregano leaf.

It usually is sitting in some carrier like sesame, flax seed, olive oil or others.

Often an ethanol or CO2 extracted product.

Safe for ingestion

Safe for topical use


Oregano essential oil

Only the volatile compounds, usually extracted through steam distillation.

Concentration is at least 25-50 times stronger than Oil of Oregano. May cause liver damage if used internally for extended periods of time.

Safe for topical use when diluted properly. Again only one drop in 1 TBSP of carrier oil.

Not recommended for use internally unless guided by an experienced Aromatherapist with proper dilution and no more than one drop at a time.

Oregano essential oil is a fantastic oil especially for respiratory and immune challenges. It is a “hot” oil meaning we use a good deal of dilution of a carrier oil like Fractionated Coconut Oil, Safflower, Sunflower, Grapeseed or another . Oregano essential oil can be diffused to kill pathogens in the air and home, but it is not an essential oil that should ever be used in large amounts.

If you are a practitioner please clarify the difference between Oregano Oil (Oil of Oregano) and Oregano Essential Oil to your clients. They are not the same! 

If this customer would have taken a TBSP of Oregano Essential Oil with water they could have really damaged the internal organs and mucus membranes. Also know that water is not a dilution method. Water intensifies essential oils.

Remember essential oils are always best when used in very small amounts with a carrier oil in general. Thank you again to this wonderful customer for reaching out. Essential oils are a fantastic way to support and improve health. I want to help you succeed and have safe and positive experiences with essential oils.



As a courtesy to you we just want to add cautions and a disclaimer after every post to remind everyone that the science and application of essential oils is unsettled, so while information on this subject may benefit some it may not for others.  With that said if the information in this post wasn’t clear enough our disclaimer and cautions to consider.

We aim to present complete, relevant, and accurate content within context.
The information and resources from this content are for informational and educational purposes only.
This is NOT a replacement for medical, psychological or other treatment
We make NO guarantees or claims; expressed or implied
We accept NO liability related to your comprehension, or application

Listed below are cautions if you plan on using any of the essential oils mentioned in this post.

Please do not use essential oils if you suffer from seizures.

Please consult your healthcare practitioner before beginning any essential oil regimen.

Do not use it with young children.

Keep away from eyes and sensitive skin areas.


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Essential Oil On!

Hot Flashes Anyone?


Hot Flashes Anyone?

A common question I get is, “Are their oils that can be helpful for hot flashes?”

What is a hot flash? The Mayo Clinic states it this way:

“Sudden feeling of warmth, usually most intense over the face, neck, and chest, and profuse sweating, commonly due to menopause.”

Generally it is assumed that hot flashes are caused by changing of hormone levels around the time a woman experiences menopause. Researchers tend to point the cause to being lower estrogen levels that cause a reaction from the hypothalamus (your body thermostat).

The hypothalamus works to regulate appetite, weight and body temperature. It is constantly working to help us stay in balance internally.

You are probably saying, Okay Gav, what oils do research show can be helpful for hot flashes and where do I apply them? Let’s talk areas of application first and then oils that can be helpful:


Inhale the oil you choose to use slowly before applying topically as inhalation of the oil can reach the hypothalamus as one inhales for approximately 30 seconds.

1-2 drops with fractionated coconut oil to the neck and shoulders.
1-2 drops with fractionated coconut oil to the lower abdomen.
1-2 drops with fractionated coconut oil to the lower back motioning or pulling the oil down towards the bottom of your spine.
1-2 drops on the bottom of each foot at night if it is a relaxing oil (The three essentail oils below in general would be relaxing or sedative like oils).

Essential Oils

Pure Embrace (A Girl’s Best Friend Blend)

Pure Embrace Essential Oil Blend
This oil was built to help relieve cycling difficulties as well as support proper hormone levels. The oils in this blend worth mentioning would be Clary Sage, Geranium, Bergamot, Neroli, and Lavender.
This blend supports three body systems: Endocrine, Limbic and Reproductive.
Some bodies will prefer a single oil over a blend so I am including the single oils below.

Vetiver Roll-on – helps to support both estrogen and progesterone levels.

Vetiver Essential Oil Roll On

Clary Sage – helps to balance an overabundance and/or lessening of estrogen.

Clary Sage Essential Oil

Each of the oils mentioned can be helpful for hot flashes. Part of the reason we put Vetiver into a roll on was it is so thick to work with as raw oil, but so good for menopausal challenges. So, we diluted it to make it flow better and have already received great feedback from customers touting its benefits.




As a courtesy to you we just want to add cautions and a disclaimer after every post to remind everyone that the science and application of essential oils is unsettled, so while information on this subject may benefit some it may not for others.  With that said if the information in this post wasn’t clear enough our disclaimer and cautions to consider.

We aim to present complete, relevant, and accurate content within context.
The information and resources from this content are for informational and educational purposes only.
This is NOT a replacement for medical, psychological or other treatment
We make NO guarantees or claims; expressed or implied
We accept NO liability related to your comprehension, or application

Listed below are cautions if you plan on using any of the essential oils mentioned in this post.

Please do not use essential oils if you suffer from seizures.

Please consult your healthcare practitioner before beginning any essential oil regimen.

Do not use it with young children.

Keep away from eyes and sensitive skin areas.


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Essential Oil On!

Apply On The Neck and Shoulders, Right ?


Apply On  The Neck and Shoulders, Right?

Recently I discussed essential oils with a lady who responded with, “I apply this just to the neck and shoulders right?”

I realized why this customer said this because when people ask me about topical application I very often include the area of neck and shoulders. But why? The neck and shoulders are a place that is easier for the aroma and molecules to enter the olfactory system of the body.

Remember the olfactory system or our sense of smell is much more sensitive than taste and according to Dr. Charles Clayman can detect more than 10,000 odors. The olfactory system is the highway to the limbic system.

The limbic system also called the primitive brain influences emotions and emotional change. As well as our instincts, drive, behavior, addiction, and even the formation of memories.

More often than not I want to make sure this area of the body is being engaged to help calm or stimulate based on the support needed by the individual. The smell of an oil alone can help to calm a stressful moment or bring us back to a place of safety.

Both my father and Carrie’s father have passed away and once in a while Carrie will have a moment where she will turn to me and say, “That person smelled like my Dad” or she said to me the other day, “I just smelled the cologne your father used to wear.”

Just smelling alone can help us to feel more safe, especially if we have an emotionally traumatic life without possible anchors of security. Here is a list of essential oils that help me to feel more safe when stress, fear, or overwhelm creeps in. I apply 1-3 drops with a little carrier oil to my neck and shoulders:

This is not an all-inclusive list, but certainly oils I like to have on the neck and shoulders as my day just goes better when I begin the day with one or two of these essential oils.

Today we have reviewed the neck and shoulders and why application matters to me in this area.

Reach out with any questions and keep smiling and essential oil on.



As a courtesy to you we just want to add cautions and a disclaimer after every post to remind everyone that the science and application of essential oils is unsettled, so while information on this subject may benefit some it may not for others.  With that said if the information in this post wasn’t clear enough our disclaimer and cautions to consider.

We aim to present complete, relevant, and accurate content within context.
The information and resources from this content are for informational and educational purposes only.
This is NOT a replacement for medical, psychological or other treatment
We make NO guarantees or claims; expressed or implied
We accept NO liability related to your comprehension, or application

Listed below are cautions if you plan on using any of the essential oils mentioned in this post.

Please do not use essential oils if you suffer from seizures.

Please consult your healthcare practitioner before beginning any essential oil regimen.

Do not use it with young children.

Keep away from eyes and sensitive skin areas.


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Essential Oil On!

Moving? Essential Oils That Helped Me & My Family


Moving? Oils That Helped Me & My Family

Moving is a fantastic opportunity to experience emotions that maybe you have not felt in a while. In the past few years our family has found ourselves moving  more than we would like. It is fascinating the wonderful emotions I can feel when I walk into a room and see it is pretty much boxed. Then I walk three feet into a different room and it’s a minefield of disorganization!

I wish I could say I had a magic essential oil in the works that  you shake as you walk into a messy a room and things just go back into their box, or place. Maybe we should work on one called Pure Mary Poppins, We will need to get Disney on board so it might be a while before we we release that blend. (LOL #oilhumor) What do you think?

In the meantime I will share  essential oils I use to get energized and my favorites for finding calm while frustration increases or emotions start to get raw.

Energizing oils:


I apply 1-2 drops with ½ a teaspoon of carrier oil to my neck and shoulders while inhaling the excess on my hands.

Rosemary stimulates brain function, opens airways and helps to remove feelings of stress.

It is also a great sore muscle oil that supports multiple systems of the body.


Lime Essential Oil

Lime is a zinger and I love it! That is why it is a part of Pure Happy Essential Oil Blend! I like to apply Lime like Rosemary up above, unless I am going outside as Lime can be photosensitive. But just inhaling Lime brightens my mood and strengthens my resolve.

Lime is so refreshing and helps to open the mind, lungs, and is a tonic for the body as a whole.

Essential Oils for Rising Emotions or Stressful Situations:

Cedarwood Atlas  (Not the same as a standard American or Red Cedar)

Cedarwood Atlas essential oil

This essential oil provides a grounding effect that helps improve brain function at the same time.

It is a heavier oil, but with a unique sweetness.

I apply this to my spine, neck and/or shoulders, but I also apply a drop to my forehead often to help support GABA function.

Cedarwood Atlas helps me stay steady in stressful situations. I am a tree oil fan through and through.

We will keep you posted on the move! Reach out with any questions.

Keep smiling and essential oil on,



As a courtesy to you we just want to add cautions and a disclaimer after every post to remind everyone that the science and application of essential oils is unsettled, so while information on this subject may benefit some it may not for others.  With that said if the information in this post wasn’t clear enough, our disclaimer and cautions are available for your consideration.

We aim to present complete, relevant, and accurate content within context. The information and resources from this content are for informational and educational purposes only. This is NOT a replacement for medical, psychological or other treatment We make NO guarantees or claims; expressed or implied. We accept NO liability related to your comprehension, or application

Listed below are cautions if you plan on using any of the essential oils mentioned in this post. Please do not use essential oils if you suffer from seizures. Consult your healthcare practitioner before beginning any essential oil regimen. Verify any essential oil is safe for use with young children. Keep away from eyes and sensitive skin areas. Some essential oils may be photosensitive, be aware of how this may affect your skin.


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