Preparing the Body for Summer Holidays


Preparing the Body for Summer Holidays

Independence Day is one of my favorite holidays of the summer, my family, I enjoy the opportunity to be out with family and friends. I find it so interesting to see what foods are associated with these holidays and how families celebrate with different types of foods.


Living in the Midwest, there is a lot of barbecue, and it seems only to increase over the 4th of July. I enjoy excellent barbecue, but I choose to stay away from much of the beef products since being diagnosed with liver disease in 2009.


I have to watch out for products high in dairy, sugar, and beef as a whole. But the amount of food I eat can be just as damaging as eating a poor choice of food.


No one is perfect and in reality, we are all striving to improve our current state emotionally, physically, spiritually, and mentally. In saying this, I am letting you know one way I prepare for these types of gatherings.


One way I prepare is by having my Pure Digest Roll-On with me to apply to my abdomen 5–10 minutes before I eat. I do this so that I can calm any current inflammation not seen or felt, as well as help support the proper message of digestion throughout the gut as food begins to arrive.

Pure Digest essential Oil ROLL ON

Each of the essential oils found in our Pure Digest blend are not only digestives, but hepatoprotectives or rather liver support and detoxifying oils as well. That being said, I can apply it over the whole abdomen for great benefit.

Pure Digest essential oil blend

Enjoy the holidays this season. 



As a courtesy to you, we just want to add cautions and a disclaimer after every post to remind everyone that the science and application of essential oils is unsettled, so while information on this subject may benefit some, it may not for others.  With that said, if the information in this post wasn’t clear enough, our disclaimer and cautions are available for your consideration.

We aim to present complete, relevant, and accurate content within context. The information and resources from this content are for informational and educational purposes only. This is NOT a replacement for medical, psychological or other treatment, We make NO guarantees or claims; expressed or implied. We accept NO liability related to your comprehension, or application

Listed below are cautions if you plan on using any of the essential oils mentioned in this post. Please do not use essential oils if you suffer from seizures. Consult your healthcare practitioner before beginning any essential oil regimen. Verify any essential oil is safe for use with young children. Keep away from eyes and sensitive skin areas. Some essential oils may be photosensitive, be aware of how this may affect your skin.

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