Minty Citrus Essential Oil DIY Blend Anyone


Minty Citrus Essential Oil DIY Blend Anyone

Hey this is Gavin from Restore Hope Oils.  Welcome to our blog while ago I had an experience where I was in my office and a wonderful friend of mine came by to get some oils. This woman has been a great friend and grandma type personality for my children.

She said, “Gavin, do you still have the raw Peppermint oil “I love so much”  (we sell a non-rectified Peppermint oil  so it has a slightly more bitter note as we do not remove any of the constituents)?”

I said, “Yes we do. Do you need some today?”

She said, “Oh yes, please don’t get rid of it because I love it, it is my Pure Happy!”

We chatted for a moment longer and I asked, “May I share with you some oils you could combine with your Peppermint oil that I think you may enjoy?”

Her eyes went wide, “You mean, you can make it better?!” (this woman has amazing energy and loves the mint family of oils in general)

I said, “Better will be determined by you, but Carrie (my wife) and I really enjoy it.”

I want to share with you, The Restore Hope Oils Family, what I shared with her. This is a simple DIY blend that:

Smells minty with a hint of citrus.

Assists soreness and can mitigate lactic acid buildup after a workout.

Has been found to open the mind and respiratory system.

Items needed:

1 – Restore Hope Oils Lime

Lime Essential Oil

1 – Restore Hope Oils Peppermint

Peppermint essential oil

1 – Restore Hope Oils Rosemary

1 – Restore Hope Oils Fractionated Coconut Oil

Carrier Oil – Fractionated Coconut

A 10ml bottle holds approximately (depending on the density of the oil) 200 drops of oil/product. Here are some simple ratios of oil and carrier I would add to the empty roller bottle or standard 10ml bottle:

Add enough Fractionated Carrier Oil to fill 25% of the bottle.

Add 10 drops of Peppermint

Add 12 drops of Rosemary

Add 30 drops of Lime

Fill the rest of the bottle with Fractionated Coconut Oil. This is enough carrier oil that I don’t overpower a room, but I receive great benefit.

Gently agitate the bottle for 1-2 minutes.

Let the mixture sit in a dark and preferably cool place for 12-24 hours for the oils to really learn to come together. The aroma will be quite different in 24 hours.

Apply to sore muscles, to neck and shoulders for a mental pick me up or if you want to support your respiratory system.

Essential Oil On!



As a courtesy to you we just want to add cautions and a disclaimer after every post to remind everyone that the science and application of essential oils is unsettled, so while information on this subject may benefit some it may not for others.  With that said if the information in this post wasn’t clear enough our disclaimer and cautions to consider.

We aim to present complete, relevant, and accurate content within context.
The information and resources from this content are for informational and educational purposes only.
This is NOT a replacement for medical, psychological or other treatment
We make NO guarantees or claims; expressed or implied
We accept NO liability related to your comprehension, or application

Listed below are cautions if you plan on using any of the essential oils mentioned in this post.

Please do not use essential oils if you suffer from seizures.

Please consult your healthcare practitioner before beginning any essential oil regimen.

Do not use it with young children.

Keep away from eyes and sensitive skin areas.

Lime oil can be photosensitive.


Thanks for reading …


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The information and resources from this site are for informational and educational purposes only

Essential Oil On!

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